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 [Потерялся КОТ]- Рыжий полосатый,стройный,зеленый ошейник.Объявление в центре   (184)

 [Советы по пристройству]- Зоомагазины, в которых можно повесить объявление о пристройс   (113)

 [Черепахи]- Основная информация по уходу   (20)

 [Архив]- Белоснежная, молодая,стерилизованная - Ронда (2 года).   (10)

 [Архив]- Котята Васька и Багирка ищут дом   (157)

 [Архив]- 8 кошек и котов. Срок до воскресенья!ВЫВЕЗЕНЫ!ПЕРЕДЕРЖКИ!   (341)

 [Другие животные]- Сухопутная черепаха ищет дом.   (98)

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Все персы и Экзоты на пристройство
Piranya Дата: Суббота, 02.01.2010, 22:01 | Сообщение # 1
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Сообщений: 14
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Как с нами связаться:
Piranya 8-921-778-94-88 Татьяна - Большевиков/Хасанская
Алиса в стране чудес 8-911-991-57-14 Юлия - Купчино
Alraune Tenbriken наш Грумер

1. Алимия. Жила была бабка,было у бабки 6 кошек, и о ужас, они размножались,о чем бабуля даже не догадывалась, за два года кол-во кошек увеличилось до 12. И вот одна из них Лима,она рождена практически в дикой среде, не видя человека и не зная что это такое. Она пугливая, но потихоньку оттаивает и начинает доверять людям, начинает понимать что такое ласка и любовь. Лиме нужны терпеливые и понимающие хозяева и желательно что бы в семье еще была кошка или кот. Ей 1,5 года, она только начала жить. 8-921-778-94-88 Таня

2. Моника, Моника попала к нам с усыпалки, ее принесли в клинику на усыпление, т.к. лечить ее было дороже. У девочки была пиометра матки, сейчас она полностью здорова. Характер...., сложно сказать, она ласковая, но когда ей нужно, не навязчива, не прихотлива, ходит в лоток. Возраст 5 лет.
8-921-778-94-88 Таня

3. Маня, Этой персидской девочке срочно нужен дом!
Кошку зовут Маня, ей 5 лет. Стерилизована, здорова, с лотком дружит.
Ласковая, любит чесаться, будит по утрам целуясь.
Ее хозяева стали перед выбором...., у ребенка плохое здоровье и на этом фоне пошла сильная аллергия, кошку стригли, не помогает.... Девочка срочно ищет новый дом, желательно без других животных и детей до 6х лет. 8-921-778-94-88 Таня

4. Арчибальд, Найден кот, в не очень хорошем состоянии.... Помогите, нужно помочь, а возможности нет, т.к. нет передержки! Забрали, на передержку)). В лоток ходит, характер замечательно - покладистый)). 8-921-778-94-88 Таня

5. Марлен, типичная персидская кошка. Девочка не навязчивая, основную часть жизни проводит в валянии на диване. Спокойная, не прихотливая, она ищет себе спокойную семью, желательно без других животных и маленьких детей (до 5 лет). Ей примерно 7 лет, здорова и стерилизована. 8-921-778-94-88 Таня

6. Шанни, Эту кису нашел молодой человек у себя на даче.Она пришла к нему в очень плохом состоянии,вся в колтунах,истощенная и грязная.Это было месяц назад. Киса за это время изменилась: поправилась, ей выстрегли колтуны.
Характер у кисы изумительный, ей очень нравится вычесываться, она очень ласковая и добрая. Она ждет заботливых хозяев. Которые будут за ней ухаживать,приведут в порядок и станут любить. 8-921-778-94-88 Таня

7. Мума, Мама, метис, возраст 4 года.
Девочка застенчивая, но ласковая. Она не особо сходится со своими собратьями, хочет быть единственной и неповторимой. У нее умерла хозяйка, та единственная кто ее любил и ценил, та которой Мума отдавала всю нежность и ласку. Ей очень не хватает человеческого внимания, доброты и любви.
Стерилизована, здорова.
8-921-778-94-88 Таня

8. Матильда, метис возраст 3 года, девочка очень ласковая, болтушка, любит идеть на руках)). Игривая адекватная, но в игре может выпустить когти.
Не особо к своим собратьям, хочет быть единственной, но со спокойным котом уживется! Здорова и стерилизована. 8-921-778-94-88 Таня

9. Масяня, девочка безумно ласковая к человеку, но агрессивно настроена на своих собратьев, хотя жила в бабкиной квартире.
Ей 2 года, она здорова и стерилизована. 8-911-080-78-60 Лейла

10. Василий, Замечательный ребенок 5ти месяцев, очень умный.
В силу своего возраста очень подвижный и игривый, желательно в семью с детьми))). Немного дрессированный, знает команду "Нельзя!" )). Приучен к лотку. 8-921-778-94-88 Таня

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8921-778-94-88 Таня
«Единственная цель жизнь - это сам процесс существования, т.е. вечная борьба за выживание»

Сообщение отредактировал Piranya - Вторник, 17.01.2012, 21:10

Piranya Дата: Среда, 10.11.2010, 17:59 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 14
Статус: Отсутствует

http://vkontakte.ru/club6765377 ПЕРСЫ И ЭКЗОТЫ ИЩУТ ДОМ!!!
8921-778-94-88 Таня
«Единственная цель жизнь - это сам процесс существования, т.е. вечная борьба за выживание»

Piranya Дата: Понедельник, 07.03.2011, 15:15 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 14
Статус: Отсутствует

http://vkontakte.ru/club6765377 ПЕРСЫ И ЭКЗОТЫ ИЩУТ ДОМ!!!
8921-778-94-88 Таня
«Единственная цель жизнь - это сам процесс существования, т.е. вечная борьба за выживание»

Сообщение отредактировал Piranya - Понедельник, 07.03.2011, 15:16

Ольга Дата: Среда, 29.06.2011, 14:56 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Гости

здравствуйте.неподскажите,а кота Феодора отдали?и сколько он будет стоить?

Piranya Дата: Среда, 29.06.2011, 15:58 | Сообщение # 5
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«Единственная цель жизнь - это сам процесс существования, т.е. вечная борьба за выживание»

Niks Дата: Четверг, 22.12.2011, 15:47 | Сообщение # 6
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West to 1990
Inside the West, the photographic field swiftly reorganized itself, dominated by Agfa, now based in Leverkusen. The two artwork photography as well as amateur industry expanded steadily. A serious stimulus was the biennial Cologne Photokina demonstrate, inaugurated in 1950: the world's greatest photographic trade fair but also, largely due to L. Fritz Gruber, a photography festival of improving cultural significance. The German Photographic Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Photographie; DGfP), founded in Cologne in 1951, was a photographers' organization attuned to 's altering economic situations. The Society of German Photographers (Gesellschaft Deutscher Lichtbildner; GDL), in existence due to the fact 1919, had reorganized itself within the late 1940s, but did not come to terms with its past until the 1980s and 1990s, by which time it had become marginal. In 1987 it renamed itself the German Photographic Academy (DFA). While in the area of photojournalism along with the press, Berlin had forfeited its leadership immediately after the war. The Americans in particular had been anxious to foster a complete variety of magazines in . But right after the 1949 currency reform, journals started through the Allies (for instance Heute, launched in the summer season of 1945) became very difficult to sell, and withered over the following handful of many years. There was rising competitors from new German magazines just like the Munich Revue, the Cologne Neue illustrierte, and the Hamburg Kristall, which had appeared in 1946. In 1948 came Stern, Constanze, and Quick. With these magazines, following the illustration of Life, photography was the core element, claiming to get a universal medium of communication. The annual Das deutsche Lichtbild reappeared also in an English language edition in 1954 (until finally 1979), its editors Wolf Strache (b. Trend setting in West was the fotoform group (f. 1949) with its programme, strongly influenced by Steinert, of 'subjective photography'. But when most 'high' 1950s art photographs had been in monochrome, colour was starting to be increasingly critical. Initially it was confined to luxuriously got up trend and promoting imagery. But from the late 1950s a large number of German photographers by way of example, Peter Cornelius, Walter Boje (1905 92), Erwin Fieger (b. 1928) have been experimenting with colour's aesthetic possibilities. Above all, then again, amateurs were taking to it. Through the end of the 1960s, colour film usage had outstripped that of black and white. (All over this time amateurs w
Country, north central Europe. Area: 137,879 sq mi (357,104 sq km). Population: (2011 est.) 81,604,000. Capital: Berlin. Nearly all the individuals are German. Language: German (official). Religions: Christianity (Protestant, Roman Catholic, other Christians); also Islam. : euro. The land is usually flat within the north and hilly from the northeast and central area, rising to your Bavarian Alps while in the south. The Rhine River basin dominates the central and western aspect in the country; other critical rivers comprise of the Elbe, Danube, and Oder. has a designed free of cost market place economic system largely based upon providers and manufacturing. It can be one of the richest countries from the planet. Exports incorporate motor automobiles and iron and steel items. is a federal multiparty republic with two legislative homes; the head of state stands out as the president, along with the head of government may be the chancellor. Germanic tribes entered 2nd century , displacing the Celts. The Romans failed to conquer the area, which became a political entity only with all the division with the Carolingian empire during the 9th century . The monarchy's management was weak, and energy more and more devolved on the nobility, organized in feudal states. The monarchy was restored underneath Saxon rule within the 10th century, plus the Holy Roman Empire, centring on and northern Italy, was revived. Continuing conflict amongst the Holy Roman emperors and also the Roman Catholic popes undermined the empire, and its dissolution was accelerated by Martin Luther's revolt (1517), which divided , and in the long run Europe, into Protestant and Catholic camps, culminating from the Thirty Years' War (161848). 's population and borders had been substantially reduced, and its a lot of feudal princes gained virtually full sovereignty. In 1862 Otto von Bismarck came to electrical power in Prussia and in 1871 united the Germans, founding the German Empire. It was dissolved in 1918 just after its defeat in World War I, as well as Weimar Republic was declared. was stripped of a good deal of its territory and all of its colonies. In 1933 Adolf Hitler became chancellor and established a totalitarian state, the Third Reich, dominated from the Nazi Celebration. Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, plunging the world into Globe War II, and he was accountable for the Holocaust, the systematic killing of some 6 million Jews and numerous some others. Following its defeat in 1945, was divided by the Allies into 4 zones of occupation. Disagreement using the Soviet Union above their reunification led for the creation in 1949 of the Federal Republic of (West ) and the German Democratic Republic (East ). Berlin, the former capital, remained divided. West became a prosperous parliamentary democracy, East a a single get together state below Soviet manage. In 1952 grew to become a founding member within the European Coal and Steel Local community, the forerunner on the European Union. The East German communist government was overthrown peacefully in 1989, and was reunited in 1990. Just after the preliminary euphoria over unity, the political and economic integration on the former East to the federal republic resulted in heavy fiscal burdens for your wealthier former West Germans. Even so, the nation continued to move towards deeper political and financial integration with western Europe as a result of its membership inside the European Union. the territories sooner or later forming the German Empire in 1871 as certainly one of the cradles of early photography. In all probability early in 1839, the truth is, the Munich scientists Franz von Kobell (1803 82) and Carl August von Steinheil succeeded in producing paper negatives of regional sights, and Steinheil revealed the particulars of their system to your Bavarian Academy of Sciences on 13 April. Already that 12 months, daguerreotypes were exhibited for sale, in Hamburg through the optician and instrument maker Rudolf Koppel, and in Berlin by the art dealer Louis Sachse and also the optician Theodor Drffel. Other cities this kind of as Munich, Cologne, Dresden, and Leipzig followed virtually without delay. Brochures with descriptions of Daguerre's practice have been circulating in through the late summertime of 1839. Opticians, booksellers, image dealers, and pharmacists noticed photography as a the two fascinating and marketable product or service that could be offered at higher charges quite often equivalent to a workman's monthly pay. When portraiture grew to become feasible in 1841, the medium's industrial exploitation really started. Daguerreotypists travelled from town to town providing their companies: such as, the Swiss born Johann Baptist Isenring in south , or even the Weninger brothers from Vienna within the north. Concurrently, 1841 2, the very first studios had been started out in Hamburg (Hermann Biow) and Berlin (J. C. Schall). Acknowledged each by contemporaries and later on critics were, between others, the pioneers Carl Ferdinand Stelzner, Joseph Albert, Franz Hanfstaengl, and Hermann Krone. The occupational statistics published under the empire showed 4, 574 people functioning in photography in 1875, six, 364 in 1882, as countless as 11, 851 in 1895, and 19, 406 in 1907. The percentage of ladies rose from 7.five per cent in 1875 to 18.seven per cent in 1907. Even though a lot of did processing or finishing jobs in factory like circumstances, a developing variety had very important front of house jobs in studios or, as with the highly effective Elvira Studio in Munich, ran their particular. The Berlin Lette Verein's excellent women's photography school, founded in 1890, expanded swiftly. A sizeable infrastructure developed, from which firms like Zeiss, Voigtlnder, and Agfa emerged. Gradually the German photographic industry, concentrated especially all around Berlin and Dresden, grew to become the largest in Europe. It had been then replaced through the gelatin dry plate approach. It is actually problematical to deal with these branches of photography purely in aesthetic terms, or divorced from trends during the fine arts or from practice in other nations. In , as elsewhere, the query of if photography was an artwork was talked about. But attempts to formulate the medium's autonomous aesthetic capability in radical terms have been rare just before the rise of pictorialist 'art photography' (Kunstfotografie) during the late 1880s and early 1890s. It came largely from middle class amateurs, who located much to discover fault with, mostly with competent portraiture, but to a degree also with view photography. They not just rejected excessive retouching, unnatural poses, plus the whole studio mise en scne, but in addition the ubiquitous albumen print with its tough, shiny surface. From the late 1880s, amateurs founded societies to promote their interests and propagate their tips, partly by means of typical public exhibitions intended to influence photographic practice typically. One of the most vital was the Society for your Encouragement of Amateur Photography (Gesellschaft zur Frderung der Amateurfotografie) founded (initially underneath a various identify) in Hamburg in 1891, and supported from the director from the Kunsthalle, Alfred Lichtwark. For portraitists this kind of as Rudolph Dhrkoop, Nicola Perscheid, or Hugo Erfurth, it had been decisive. Their portraits appeared extra atmospheric, more organic, and, to a degree, far more personal at all events, their poses, lighting, and printing solutions had been a lot much more varied and individual than in run within the mill studio get the job done. Some branches of landscape and architectural photography also retreated from your typical nicely composed extended shot and tourist orientated view. Details and light results grew to become the centre of aesthetic interest, http://www.malloyveneer.com/breitling-cockpit-replica-best-seller.html - breitling Cockpit replica
and such as within the do the job of your Hofmeister brothers the toning and surface texture within the ultimate print. Quite a few exhibitions in important German cities, numerous with international participation, emphasized the movement's importance. By the 1900s, even so, the impact of art photography plus the debates surrounding it was diminishing markedly, while the pictorialist design remained dominant. On the finish within the 19th century a fresh marketplace for photography emerged in the illustrated press. Whilst pictures by Ottomar Anschtz had been reproduced by the autotype method from the Leipzig Illustrirte Zeitung as early as 1883, it had been not until the late 1890s that photographs reproduced on this way appeared often in journals and newspapers. The largest circulation illustrated papers had been Ullstein's Berliner illustrirte Zeitung (1891) and Scherl's Woche (1899). Countless soldiers took cameras with them and, official prohibitions notwithstanding, documented their day-to-day lives. Not until finally 1916, when it established the Image and Movie Bureau (Bild und Filmamt; BUFA), did the government make systematic utilization of pictures as propaganda. But, the war's photographic legacy was significantly even more strongly shaped by amateur images, mostly taken in rear locations far from the front line.
The instrumental model of your national anthem of .
History from Answers
Jens JaegerPeters, U., Stilgeschichte der Fotografie in Deutschland 1839 1900 (1979). Baier, W., Quellendarstellungen zur Geschichte der Fotografie (1980). Kaufhold, E., Bilder des bergangs: Zur Mediengeschichte von Fotografie und Malerei in Deutschland um 1900 (1986). Dewitz, B. v., and Matz, R., Silber und Salz: Zur Frhzeit der Photographie im deutschen Sprachraum 1839 1860 (1989). Honnef, K., Sachsse, R., and Thomas, K. (eds.), German Photography, 1870 1970: Energy of a Medium (1997). Pohlmann, U., and Scheutle, R. (eds.), Lehrjahre, Lichtjahre: Die Mnchner Fotoschule 1900 2000 (2000)The period 1918 45 was considered one of headlong technical, aesthetic, and organizational alter. However, whilst the method was each far reaching and conspicuous, it was partly rooted in the pre war many years, and nonetheless far from complete prolonged soon after 1945. There were big modifications above all in modes of seeing, and in ideas about what photography was and what its tasks should be. Specifically notable between 1918 and 1945 http://www.malloyveneer.com/breitling-transocean-replica-best-seller.html
have been back links involving theoretical debate (Walter Benjamin, Siegfried Kracauer, Lszl Moholy Nagy, et al.), the proliferation of aesthetic viewpoints, and the increasing significance of your medium in culture, politics, and financial daily life. However, the tremendous assortment and experimental vitality of artistic and journalistic photography tends to obscure the truth that significantly less spectacular developments like improvements in photographic retailing and manufacture, plus the vast growth of amateur photography, have been no less characteristic from the period. Older aesthetic traditions also persisted in practically each and every discipline. A brand new experienced physique, the Society of German Photographers (Gesellschaft Deutscher Lichtbildner; GDL), was founded in 1919. In 1925 the numbers officially employed in photography had been 15, 673 (including 4, 118 gals, or 26.three per cent). In 1933 the figure was 22, 032, and with the last pre war count, in 1939, 23, 435 (together with 9, 980 ladies, or 42.six per cent). The structure with the enterprise remained virtually unchanged. Most enterprises have been smaller, with fewer than five staff members. But conditions were completely different over the manufacturing and chemical side, in which a powerful trend towards concentration designed; and Agfa, Kodak http://www.malloyveneer.com/tag-heuer-replica-best-seller.html - tag heuer replica watches
(), and Zeiss Ikon (founded in 1926) have been amongst the largest companies. The amateur market place became increasingly vital, as photography became ever additional widely available and even more workers took it up. (In 1931 workers' photography clubs had c.two, 400 members.)Technical development favoured the spread with the medium. The trade moved in the direction of smaller sized, superior specified cameras, with Leitz's Leica, out there since 1925, in the peak. The two photojournalism and photographically illustrated publications had acquired an huge enhance from your war. Current illustrated papers were joined by new ones, and circulations rose. The Berliner illustrirte Zeitung reached its peak in 1929 with 1.8 million copies. New creations while in the 1920s incorporated the nchener illustrierte Presse, the Nazi Illustrierter Beobachter, as well as the Communist Arbeiter illustrierte Zeitung (AIZ), likewise as newspaper dietary supplements and also a wide choice of magazines. New photograph agencies had been founded, such as Dephot in Berlin (1928). Well-known press photographers within the 1920s and 1930s incorporated the sports activities professional Martin Munkcsi, Erich Salomon, Tim Gidal, Felix H. Guy, Paul Wolff, and Umbo (Otto Umbehr). Though a few had to emigrate soon after 1933, they continued to work for the press in France, England, or even the USA. Only a little proportion of photojournalists had attended a photographic school: one example is, the Halle Burg Giebichstein Style School, the Folkwang College in Essen, the Stuttgart Design College, or older institutions such because the Bavarian State Photographic School. A separate photographic segment under Walter Peterhans was not established at the Bauhaus right up until 1929. Nonetheless, there was significant cross fertilization involving concept and practice. Objectivity was exemplified by the work of Albert Renger Patzsch, whose industrial photographs and landscapes have been really influential. His guide The world is Attractive (Die Welt ist schn, 1929) was a significant achievement. Karl Blossfeldt's macrophotographs of plants emphasized type and framework by isolating the subject. Helmar Lerski and Erna Lendvai Dircksen adopted a comparable technique with their portraits, which concentrated over the face. August Sander's series of total length portraits of individuals of all ages and classes in their surroundings brought on a substantial stir once the to start with photographs appeared in 1929. Only the politically and racially 'sound' could belong for the regime's principal management mechanism, the Reich Chamber of (Reichskulturkammer). In other methods, also, the totalitarian impulse worked its way with the program. Formally and technically, German photojournalism maintained the requirements set throughout the Weimar Republic, and remained as 'modern' as its counterparts in democratic countries abroad. But photo reportage became a tool of your Propaganda Ministry, which as early as March 1933 had established an 'Illustrated Press Department'. All press photography was topic to ministerial control, and photojournalists and picture editors lost any semblance of independence. Tactless or incorrect captions, even 'inappropriate' positioning of Hitler in relation to other Nazi leaders, could incur dire penalties. All photo http://www.malloyveneer.com/tag-heuer-replica-best-seller.html - tag heuer replica watches
agencies came under the manage on the regime except to the American Connected Press, which maintained a degree of autonomy until finally 1941. The main figure in German press photography in between 1933 and 1945 was Heinrich Hoffmann, whose private relationship with Hitler seeing that the 1920s dominated Fhrer and Party related photography; and Hoffmann's personal firm was 's greatest image company. The photographic press was essential to propagate Nazi aesthetic concepts. Photography clubs along with the League of Amateur Photographers (Amateurfotografenverband, f. Herbert Record, for http://www.malloyveneer.com/breitling-cockpit-replica-best-seller.html
illustration, was capable to pursue his surreal 'metaphysical' photography without interference. But other folks (Paul Wolff, Walter Hege (1893 1955), Hilmar Pabel (1910 2000)) came to terms with all the regime, or were additional or significantly less forced to perform for it. From 1943, however, scarcity of materials designed increasing conditions for personal photographers. Official war reporting was below military control, with photographers assigned to propaganda corporations (PKs). These were formed in 1938 and primary deployed while in the occupation with the Sudetenland the identical year. PK photographers had been very well outfitted (especially by comparison with their British counterparts), typically put to use colour film, and attained superb effects; casualties were correspondingly high. In 1940 the illustrated weekly Signal was launched as being a vehicle for propaganda abroad and lots of of its major photographers continued their careers inside the new generation of West German magazines that emerged soon after the war.
Jens JaegerMellor, D. (ed.), : The brand new Photography 1927 33 (1978). Fiedler, J., Fotografie am Bauhaus (1990). Lugon, O. (ed.), La Photographie en Allemagne: anthologie de textes 1919 39 (1997). Sachsse, R., Die Erziehung zum Wegsehen. Fotografie im NS Staat (2003)Submit war German photography was initially dominated by 'ruin photography', which presented the devastation of German cities as being a kind of blanket warning against war, even while suppressing issues of responsibility. Margaret Bourke White, Lee Miller, Sergei Morosov, George Rodger). The two most celebrated 'ruin photography' publications, on Cologne (Hermann Claassen, Gesang im Feuerofen Song in the Furnace, 1947) and Dresden (Richard Peter Sr., Dresden: Eine Kamera klagt an Dresden: A Camera's Testimony, 1949) by now showed the beginnings of reconstruction. Together with the start out in the Cold War, the ideological confrontation between the two German states was also reflected in photography, together with the two 'scenes' producing in numerous instructions. But, whilst the historical past of West German photography is well documented, materials about the East is scarce.
(jr'm n) A nation of north central Europe. Occupied since c. Later on it became a loose federation of principalities as well as the nucleus of the Holy Roman Empire till the imperial state was broken up by Napoleon in 1806. became a confederation just after 1815 and after that an empire centered all-around Prussia (1871 1918). Following its defeat in World War I, it had been reorganized as the Weimar Republic, which collapsed when Adolf Hitler rose to energy and formed the Third Reich. 's defeat in 1945 with the end of Planet War II resulted in its division into 4 occupation zones, each and every managed by an Allied power. The two Germanies had been reunified in 1990 after the fall from the East German Communist government. Berlin is definitely the capital and largest city. Population: 82,400,000.

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